The Hamptons

The four principal characters travel to the Hamptons to see a baby; they find that the baby is altogether ugly. While on the beach, Kramer finds a filled lobster trap and thinks the catch is his, unaware that it’s a commercial lobster trap. George’s girlfriend (Melora Walters) goes sun tanning topless while he goes out to get tomatoes; and George is seen naked by Jerry’s girlfriend Rachel (Melanie Smith), to whom he tries to explain, in vain, that, having just gotten out of the cold water, he is a victim of penile “shrinkage.”

Elaine is thrilled to be termed “breathtaking” by a doctor (guest star Richard Burgi) until she finds he uses the same adjective to describe the baby. Rachel tells George’s girlfriend about his “shrinkage” and she leaves. George gets revenge on Rachel by tricking her into eating lobster, which is not kosher. Kramer then gets arrested for lobster poaching and must pick up garbage on the side of the road.

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The Fire

At Pendant Publishing Kramer is discussing his idea of a coffee table book about coffee tables with Elaine and his new girlfriend, Elaine’s co-worker, Toby (Veanne Cox). Elaine finds Toby, as well as Kramer’s book, very annoying. George is dating Robin, (played by Melanie Chartoff whom Larry David knew from the time they worked on the short-lived sketch series Fridays), a woman with a young son. Jerry is preparing his act to impress a magazine critic.

Kramer invites Toby to see Jerry’s act, where she initially cheers him, but then she starts heckling, booing, and hissing him ceaselessly after a joke he tells offends her. As a result of the heckling, Jerry gets a bad review from the critic. George, attending Robin’s son’s birthday party, cannot understand how “Eric the Clown” (played by Jon Favreau) does not know who Bozo is and complains that “Eric” is not a good clown name. Later, George panics when a small fire breaks out and he rushes away, pushing down children, senior citizens, and the clown in the process. The attendees of the birthday party are extremely upset with him, so he tries to justify his behavior by saying how he acted bravely by pushing his way to the front, acting as their “leader”, an explanation that nobody buys. Eric saves the day by putting the fire out with one of his clown shoes.

Jerry takes the ultimate revenge for a comedian by appearing at Toby’s workplace to heckle her; crying, she runs out of her office and onto the street where her foot is run over by a street sweeper, which severs her pinky toe. Later, Kramer retells the story of how he found the toe, boarded a bus, and fought a gunman just to go to the hospital.

Toby got her toe reattached and was promoted instead of Elaine because her boss felt sorry for her because of the accident. At the club, Jerry convinced the critic to return to judge his performance again. Also in the club, George, inspired by Kramer’s story, asks Robin for a second chance. However, he panics and screams again at the sight of a comedian’s (Dom Irrera) prop gun and ruins Jerry’s act by having the audience evacuate because of the fake gun.

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The Raincoats

Jerry and George are in Monk’s discussing his parents staying with him for three days until they leave for Paris and how he is dying for some private time with his girlfriend Rachel (Melanie Smith). Alec approaches them with an offer to join the Big Brother program. George reluctantly agrees to look after young Joey (Jason Manary).

Back at Jerry’s apartment, George asks Helen and Morty if they could send a postcard to Alec from Paris, so it looks like he is in Paris, thus getting out of the Big Brother program. George then tells them that Frank and Estelle (who is making paella) want them over for dinner before they leave, but they claim they have plans for the night. Jerry is frustrated that they lied about having plans because now his parents will be home and he can’t have Rachel over. Elaine brings her new boyfriend, Aaron (Judge Reinhold) up to the apartment. Aaron is a close-talker: a person who stands unusually close to others when speaking, in essence disrupting the person’s personal space. Aaron volunteers to escort Jerry’s parents on a behind-the-scenes tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which Jerry and Elaine find quite weird. As they leave, Jerry quickly tries to phone Rachel but she is not home. Meanwhile the Costanzas seem puzzled by the Seinfelds’ declining a dinner invitation. By the time Rachel calls Jerry back, his parents are already home. Kramer greets Helen and Morty. Morty then notices Kramer’s raincoat, which is the Executive (a belt-less raincoat, created by Morty years ago). Kramer then goes on to explain they are a hot item at Rudy’s Antique Boutique.

Morty makes plans to get Jack Klompus to send up the boxes of old Executives up to New York City before he leaves for Paris. Meanwhile George tells Alec that he suddenly must go to Paris. Alec replies that this is great news: Joey’s estranged father lives in Paris but Joey is too scared to fly alone. Elaine questions Aaron regarding his actions with Helen and Morty.

George goes down to Rudy’s to sell Frank’s old clothes, pretending that his father has died. Kramer arrives and explains to George how he and Morty went into business over dinner last night; this alerts George that the Seinfelds lied about having ‘plans’. Kramer proceeds to arrange with Rudy the deal regarding the Executives.

As George confronts Jerry about lying about having plans, Elaine reveals that Aaron is taking her to see a stage production of My Fair Lady. Aaron soon arrives with Helen and Morty in tow. That night, George spots the group riding in a buggy as he is getting into a taxi.

Jack Klompus has trouble retrieving the Executives from the garage. Meanwhile Frank realizes that his vacation clothes are missing. Back at Rudy’s, the clothes are being burned as they’re discovered to be moth-ridden.

Jerry and Rachel go to see Schindler’s List but cannot help making out since they have not been alone in such a long time. Newman, also in the cinema, spots them and is aghast.

When Jerry arrives back at his apartment, Helen and Morty quiz him about the film and Jerry tries to bluff his way through. George goes back to Rudy’s to buy back his father’s clothes. After giving Rudy the money back, Rudy tells George that he burnt them because they were moth-infested.

Newman, as expected, informs Helen and Morty that Jerry was making out with Rachel during Schindler’s List. Jerry, in “trouble,” realizes that Newman would be the one responsible for it. Jack Klompus rings again to tell Morty that he had to break a window to get into the garage and that the Executives will be in New York City by 2:00 the next day. Morty decides that the trip to Paris will have to wait; since their flight is at 3:00 they will not be able to make it as the business deal is more important.

Kramer arrives at the Costanzas’ for paella. Frank notices that Kramer is wearing one of his missing vacation shirts, which forces George to confess that he sold his vacation wear.

George asks Jerry for the tickets to France, as they are non-refundable and the Seinfelds won’t be using them, he can get a free trip to Paris and become a hero in the Big Brother organization. Meanwhile, Rudy refuses to buy the Executives from Kramer and Morty; after the ordeal with Frank’s clothes, he now has a policy of not buying off the street. Frank appears at Rudy’s and argues with Morty. At the airport, Jerry and Elaine say farewell to Morty and Helen as they leave to return to Florida. Aaron goes crazy, thinking he could have done more to help them while they were in New York City. This is an allusion to the movie Schindler’s List in which the title character, Oskar Schindler is in a state of anguish for not being able to do more to help the doomed Jews during the Holocaust. In fact goes into an Oskar-type monologue, occasionally using the same phrases.

Jerry goes by Rachel’s house, but her father tells him to go away after explaining that his postman informed him of his “behavior” at Schindler’s List with Rachel.

Back at Monk’s, Jerry tells Elaine that when his parents got home they had been completely robbed because Klompus never fixed the window. Newman comes into the shop and Jerry confronts him and chases him out into the streets. George is in Paris with Joey who is giving him a hard time. Helen and Morty go on a cruise and discover that the Costanzas are on the same one.

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The Wife

Jerry’s girlfriend, Meryl (Courteney Cox), poses as his wife in order that she may share in his 25% dry cleaning discount. In fact, Jerry is having fun with the idea of having a wife, even if it’s just to start a sentence. George urinates in the shower while at the health club and fears he may be reported to management. Elaine gets mixed signals from Greg, a prospective boyfriend in whom she is interested. As it turns out, the man Elaine has her eye on is the same person who caught George urinating in the shower.

Jerry eventually cheats on his “wife” with another woman in order to give her the discount. Meanwhile, Kramer is losing sleep because Jerry took his quilt to the cleaner, taking advantage of the discount. Kramer goes to get a tan to impress his girlfriend’s family, and ends up falling asleep on the tanning bed.

As it happens, Greg wants to date a female gym instructor and not Elaine. Then he discovers Elaine is friends with George. The episode ends with Kramer meeting his girlfriend’s family, who are black, and Kramer being horribly tanned to the extent that he appears to be in blackface. The girlfriend’s father then angrily says “I thought you said you were bringing a white boy home! I don’t see a white boy! I see a damn fool!”

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The Stand-In

Riding on a bus Jerry and George meet a friend, Al Netche, who tells them another friend, Fulton, is in a hospital, and that Jerry may want to visit him as he might need a “good laugh.” George feels bored when he has nothing to talk about with his girlfriend, Daphne, and he wants to break up.

Later, Daphne tells George that Al encouraged her to end the relationship as George doesn’t commit and may end up hurting her. George decides to postpone the break-up and sustain the relationship just for spite, to prove Al wrong. Kramer has got a job as a stand-in actor, in the series All My Children, along with his friend Mickey Abbott (Danny Woodburn), a “little person” who is offended by the term “midget”. Mickey, however, is worried to keep up his role as a rapidly-growing child. Kramer suggests Mickey use “lifts” to increase his height. Jerry sets up a date for Elaine with his friend, Phil Totola.

Jerry visits Fulton in the hospital where he tells a story about a guy “Pachyderm” and the hot pizza slices he was juggling, but Fulton doesn’t laugh. Other “little” actors notice something different on Mickey as he plans to eat with Tammy, a little woman. Johnny Bigiano, another small actor, sets to find out what is going on with Mickey.

Jerry feels added pressure to be funny after his first visit to the hospital coincides with a deterioration in Fulton’s condition. He offers to do his act with new material. Elaine had a good evening with Phil, including the Pachyderm story, until Phil takes his penis out.

When Johnny discovers the lifts, Mickey is ostracized by the other dwarf actors, including Tammy, and blames it all on Kramer. At the hospital, Jerry is being so funny that Fulton cannot stop laughing, and ends up dying from it. Back at Monk’s, George has said to Jerry that he would marry Daphne just to prove he can commit. However, to George’s relief, Daphne says that she met another person: Jerry Pursack, who George reveals is “Pachyderm” who used the pizza trick from his earlier mentioned story to woo Daphne.

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The Pie

Jerry is miffed after his girlfriend Audrey (Suzanne Snyder) refuses to take a bite of his pie. Kramer has seen in an upmarket clothing store a mannequin that looks just like Elaine. Also he has developed a terrible itch in his back, and uses Jerry’s spatula to scratch. Elaine and George visit the store; Elaine wants to find out who made the mannequin but George is more interested in an expensive suit that will shortly be on sale at half price.

Jerry is still obsessed with the pie incident. Kramer finds relief at the hands of Olive (Sunday Theodore), his new girlfriend from Monk’s with long fingernails. George, who is “guarding” the suit, soon becomes embroiled in a battle of wits with another customer who is also interested in the garment. George attempts to hide the suit so the other customer will not find it on the sale day. He is also distracted by the sight of the “Elaine” mannequin naked.

Jerry and Audrey go to eat at Poppie’s, her father’s restaurant. Jerry excuses himself to the restroom where he is shocked that Poppie doesn’t wash his hands after coming out of the stall. This causes Jerry to reject a slice of pizza in the same way that Audrey rejected the pie.

Elaine and Jerry visit the clothing store and find the “Elaine” mannequin posed in a spanking tableau with another mannequin. Elaine is so furious that she steals the mannequin.

Jerry goes to Poppie’s restaurant to talk to Audrey. A hygiene standards officer comes and arrests Poppie. On the day of the sale George outwits his rival and buys the suit, but his rival swears revenge.

Before going to the job interview, George becomes concerned that he might be rejected because the suit makes a “swoosh” when he moves. (“Let’s say it comes down to me and one other guy. He’s got a nice quiet suit, and I’m whooshing all over the place! Who do you think he’s gonna hire?”)

George’s prospective employer takes him to dinner. He does not reject George because the suit is noisy, but insists that George eats dessert with him. But George has seen that the chef is his rival for the suit. Fearing that the chef will have tampered with the food, George rejects it in the same way that Audrey rejected the pie, and Jerry the pizza. George does not get the job, but avoids becoming violently ill like the others.

Kramer’s itch has healed and he plans to break up with Olive. He tells her that the mannequin (now in Jerry’s car) is his new girlfriend. Kramer goes out to the car and pretends to make out with the mannequin, which falls apart in his hands.

Apparently, the “Elaine” mannequin is a big success and has appeared in other stores in New York. It turns out that it is made by the geek she met on the subway in the episode “The Cigar Store Indian.” Jerry never finds out why Audrey refused to eat the apple pie.

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The Marine Biologist

While having a conversation with Elaine about his favorite yellow t-shirt, “Golden Boy” (which, due to its age, is “dying”), Jerry tells her the novel War and Peace was originally called War, What is it Good For? (a reference to Edwin Starr’s hit song “War”). Kramer gives Elaine an electronic organizer. Also he has acquired a stash of two-thousand Titleist golf balls from a driving range and decides to practice his driving skills by hitting them into the ocean rather than a driving range. Jerry meets a female friend from college (Rosalind Allen), and claims that George is a marine biologist. George, who now is expecting a call from her, is upset because he prefers to lie about being an architect.

Elaine shares what Jerry told her with an eccentric Russian author, Yuri Testikov, who is being courted by Pendant Publishing, her company. Upon hearing Elaine’s electronic organizer beep repeatedly, he angrily grabs it from her and tosses it out of the window of the limousine they were sharing.

Kramer returns home in humiliation, having missed every ball except one, and becomes obsessed with getting sand out of his clothing. At the beach, George keeps lying about his job when he is called upon to use his nonexistent marine biology skills to save a beached whale. Later, Jerry receives a phone call from a woman named Corinne (Carol Kane) who sees his phone number in the organizer after it hit her in the head while she was walking down the street. The two meet at Monk’s Cafe and the woman won’t return Elaine’s organizer to Jerry until she is compensated for her hospital bill.

Elaine wants Testikov to pay for the woman’s bills, so she and Jerry go to confront him in his hotel room. Elaine carries a tape recorder in her bag, Testikov hears a noise and thinks they are secretly recording him; he reacts by throwing the tape recorder out the window, hitting the very same woman in the head while she waits outside to return the electronic organizer. Meanwhile, while trying to get sand out of his shoe, Kramer accidentally drops it out of his apartment window, hitting Newman who happens to be walking beneath.

The episode ends with George’s dramatic retelling of his struggle with the whale in coffee shop, ultimately revealing that the whale’s blowhole had been lodged with Kramer’s Titleist golf ball. Kramer responds meekly that it was a “hole in one.” George also told his girlfriend about not really being a marine biologist, and was summarily dumped. Elaine then asks Jerry what happened to “Golden Boy”, he tells her it did in fact “die”, but it’s now been replaced by a new contender, “Baby Blue.”

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The Dinner Party

Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer prepare to attend a dinner party, but Elaine feels they must bring wine and cake to the party. George, who is sporting a large Gore-Tex coat due to the cold weather outside, does not understand why, thinking that it would be better to bring Pepsi and Ring Dings.

Jerry and Elaine stop at a bakery to purchase a chocolate babka while Kramer and George go to buy wine. Jerry and Elaine forget to take a number at the counter. As a result, David and Barbara Benedict, a couple on their way to the same dinner party, get ahead of them in line and purchase the last chocolate babka. Jerry and Elaine eventually resort to purchasing a cinnamon babka, which Elaine considers “a lesser babka.”

George wants to pay for the bottle of wine with a $100 bill but the shop owner refuses to give him change. They go to a newsstand to break the bill by purchasing some chewing gum, but the attendant forces them to buy other things since the gum isn’t worth enough for him to give that much change. Kramer buys a Clark bar, a newspaper and a Penthouse Forum magazine before the attendant relents. When they finally buy the wine, they find that their car is stuck in its space because someone has double parked and obstructed their way. They are forced to wait for the driver to come back before they can pick up Jerry and Elaine. Disgusted at the turn of events, George likens double parkers to dictators, saying Mussolini or Idi Amin would never look in vain for an open spot.

Meanwhile, back at the bakery, adding to the misfortune of Jerry and Elaine, they find that the babka has a hair on it, and they are forced to wait in line again to purchase a new cake. While they wait, Jerry eats a black and white cookie, on which he claims to base philosophical theories on race relations. They eventually exchange their babka for one that the saleswoman coughs on. They have to wait for Kramer and George to pick them up. However, the cookie causes Jerry to throw up, ending his non-vomit streak, which he claims had held since June 29, 1980. Meanwhile, a man with a cane crushes Elaine’s toe, further adding to their misery.

Because of the cold weather, Kramer insists on going back inside the liquor store, where he is told that it is “not a hangout.” George’s coat accidentally knocks down some bottles of wine and he has to surrender the coat to pay for them. Outside, it turns out the double parker is Saddam Hussein (or a look-alike with a British accent), who suggests George should wear warmer clothing or else he might catch a cold. The four friends finally arrive at the party, where they give the hostess the babka and the wine at the door and leave immediately thereafter without staying for the party.

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The Stall

At a movie theater’s restroom, Elaine, realizing she does not have any toilet paper left, asks the woman in the next stall (Jami Gertz) if she has any toilet paper to spare, but the woman refuses, claiming that she “can’t spare a square.” Elaine pleads with the woman, but she leaves, ignoring Elaine. The woman returns to her seat, and is revealed as Jerry’s girlfriend, Jane. Elaine is shown returning to her seat, with her new boyfriend Tony (Dan Cortese). The two women tell their dates about what had just happened.

At Jerry’s apartment, Kramer walks in, asking to use Jerry’s phone. Jerry accuses Kramer of using it to call a telephone sex line. Elaine comes into the apartment, and describes to Jerry the incident that occurred at the movie theatre. Jerry realizes that the woman that Elaine was bickering for toilet paper was Jane. He tries to defend Jane, while not letting Elaine know that it was her. Meanwhile, George becomes enamored of Elaine’s boyfriend, claiming that “He’s such a cool guy”. Jerry suspects that Elaine dates Tony only because he is attractive, and that Tony is a “male bimbo”, or a “mimbo” for short.

At the coffee shop, Tony, and George plan on going rock climbing together, which excites George, but Kramer is invited by Tony when he enters, and George starts fearing that Kramer will become better friends with Tony than him. Jerry and Kramer tease George about this later, claiming that George is in love with Tony, which George quickly denies. Jane calls Jerry’s apartment, and Kramer answers the call without Jerry knowing. He talks to Jane, and after giving the phone to Jerry, he says that her voice sounded “flinty”, and tries to remember where he has heard it before.

Later, Elaine calls Jerry on his buzzer to tell him that she’s coming up, while Jane is still there. Still trying to keep the two from conflicting, Jerry panics to disguise Jane’s voice by saying that it smelled from the lunch they just had, and gave her many pieces of gum, muffling her voice to an unrecognizable level.

On Tony, Kramer and George’s rock climbing trip, Tony gives Kramer a rope to tie a knot to keep him from falling, but Kramer gives the rope to George, and then distracts him by asking him for food. Tony begins to climb again, but does not know that his harness is not tied onto the rock, and he falls down the mountain. A few days later, Kramer and George tell Elaine what had happened. Upon hearing the news, Elaine quickly asks the two if there was any damage to his face, and is told that he hit his face on a large rock. She rushes to Tony’s house, to see that his face is completely bandaged. He tells her that he cannot remember if the doctors said if there was any long-term damage to his face. At that time, George walks in to apologize to Tony about the trip, but Tony says that he does not want to see him anymore.

While Jerry and Jane were at Jerry’s apartment, Kramer walks in and is introduced to Jane for the first time. He starts to act strangely at the sound of her voice, and quickly refuses to split a taxi to go uptown. When she leaves, Kramer claims that her voice closely resembles that of “Erika”, one of the girls on the phone sex line that he has been frequently calling, but Jerry doesn’t believe him. In the beginning of this scene Jane is giving Jerry a massage to which he replies, “Boy, I’ve been waiting for this.” It is a reference to an earlier episode of this season, The Masseuse, where Jerry is dating a masseuse who will not give him a massage.

At the coffee shop, Kramer is sitting at a table by himself, saying to Jerry that he made a date with Erika, to prove that she is in fact Jane. When Jane arrives, Jerry is shocked. She moves to Jerry’s table instead of Kramer’s, but Kramer still persists on calling her “Erika”, as he and Jerry confront her, claiming that she “sells sexual pleasure over the phone”. She dispels the claims by saying that she sells paper goods. Elaine hears Jane’s voice and realizes that she was the woman who refused to give her any spare toilet paper. Jane then says that she needs to use the washroom, and Elaine races her to the door. There is then a camera angle of the washroom stalls very similar to the one used at the beginning of the episode. Jane’s voice is heard asking the woman in the stall next to hers, whom she doesn’t know, if she has any toilet paper, but is revealed to be Elaine, who tells Jane that she “can’t spare a square”. Jane then realizes that this is the same woman from the movie theater, and Elaine runs out of her stall, carrying many rolls of toilet paper. After exiting the restroom, Jane tells Jerry to never call her again, and then she turns to Kramer and says for him not to call her either, in a sultry voice. Jerry and Kramer then look at each other, stunned.

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The Conversion

At a restaurant while ordering (George suggests lobster), George’s girlfriend Sasha (played by Jana Marie Hupp) sobbingly tells George that they can’t continue to go out because she is Latvian Orthodox and is only allowed to date Latvian Orthodox members by her parents.

While Jerry and Elaine discuss the difference between a podiatrist and a doctor, Jerry’s girlfriend Twani (Kimberly Campbell), a neighbor, asks Jerry out for that night. Walking in they see George moping about his loss of Sasha (Jerry and Elaine are also interested in the lobster wrapped like a swan and eating it). Jokingly, Elaine suggests converting for Sasha which George takes seriously, not caring about any responsibility to his decision (“Why not? What do I care?”) and comparing it to Edward VIII.

While at Twani’s, Jerry goes to the bathroom and peeks in her medicine cabinet to see a fungicide tube. Jerry lies to her saying he is coming down with something and leaves. At Monk’s he discusses the evening with Elaine and Kramer. Elaine accuses him of snooping which he comes back with saying that he was just “nudging it a little.” Jerry then asks her if her doctor boyfriend (“Oh, now he’s a doctor?”) can look at it.

At the priest’s office, George talks to the head priest (Kay E. Kuter) about his conversion. When asked what aspect of the religion he likes he announces he likes “the hats.” He also says he knows the “main plot,” the Flood, the lepers, the Commandments. Sister Roberta (Molly Hagan) enters and says Kramer has arrived to pick George up. She also expresses her gratitude of him joining the church. Not knowing much about the religion in the first place, he ad-libs and ends up getting many texts with which to familiarize himself. Kramer talks with Sister Roberta.

George expresses himself and says he will be Orthodox by Christmas. Jerry is wondering what he should tell “Mother Costanza” (Estelle). Kramer comes in saying that Sister Roberta likes him, that he has a “relationship power,” and that she had given him a slinky. Twani comes in and asks Jerry how he is, and he immediately starts to cough a little. After leaving, George asks for the story. Jerry says she’s subletting Carol’s for a month and mentions the fungicide. George suggests that the medicine might be Carol’s. Jerry says he didn’t see a name on tube, not thinking to look. He goes back to her apartment to get the fungicide.

Elaine asks her boyfriend about the medicine, and then they have a controversy of the podiatrist-doctor matter. Jerry looks ruthlessly through the cabinet for the tube, saying to Twani that there’s no soap. As she comes in with a cake, he quickly slips the tube in his pocket. George studies the Orthodoxy books in the bathroom, which initially makes his parents curious. Sister Roberta comes to Kramer’s and gives him another toy.

While Jerry is helping George study for his conversion test, Elaine comes into the apartment and Jerry gives her the tube for her boyfriend. Again Elaine confronts him, now because of theft. Jerry didn’t see a name, and Elaine says she had a fight with him because Jerry “got her thinking.” Before she leaves, Jerry slips the tube into her purse. He goes over to George, who decided he’s going to cheat on the conversion test by writing the answers on his hand. Kramer comes in saying that Sister Roberta likes him and says she’s questioning her faith and might leave the church for him. He leaves, saying he’s dangerous.

The head priest is very surprised at the George’s quiz scores, saying that he’s never seen such an impressive performance. The second priest comes and mumbles to the head priest that Kramer had come to see the priest, so George leaves. The priest heard that Sister Roberta was leaving the church. He says that Kramer has the “kavoorkaa,” a Latvian word for “the lure of the animal,” meaning that women can’t help themselves over him. He is given instructions to buy various foul-smelling foods and wear them, which inevitably stinks the apartment building.

When passing by the church, a friend of Estelle’s reads a sign outside the church that says that George was converting at 3:00 p.m., which gets out to his parents. They are infuriated and even more so when they hear that he’s doing it for a woman. Jerry learns that his girlfriend wasn’t feeling well because she had stayed up the whole night because her cat, Bonkers, had been up because it had had the fungus, so Jerry is relieved.

At the conversion ceremony, George nervously calls the Father “faddah.” Outside the building, Kramer tests his kavorka power on a random woman, who calls him a creep and walks off. Kramer runs to the church to try to catch Sister Roberta in time. In a white ceremonial gown, George goes through the ceremony, accidentally spilling some wine on the gown. Sister Roberta is to say the final benediction, but says she can’t, for she had fallen for Kramer. Kramer enters and she points and says “him,” while the crowd murmurs “kavorka, kavorka.”

At Elaine’s, Elaine says she likes the foot and says “when you get a bunion, you’re not going to call the ear guy.” The phone rings, and the podiatrist goes to the bathroom while Elaine talks to Jerry on the phone. Jerry says that it was her cat and that he needs the tube back, but before she can get it, her boyfriend finds the medicine, and since he’s a podiatrist, he thinks Elaine has fungus.

Back at the church, Sister Roberta says she doesn’t feel the same lure as before and, leaving, says he needs a bath.

At Monk’s, George tells Sasha that he’s converted for her, but unhappy to find that she was moving to Latvia to live with some relatives for a year. She leaves, and George gets a doggie bag for the food.

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