The Reverse Peephole

Elaine, Jerry and George decide to buy a massage chair for Joe Mayo, when George offers to pay a cheaper price and save money. At a party for Joe, George admits it would have been too expensive for the chair to be delivered overnight, so they are without the gift. Elaine is not happy with David Puddy wearing a fur coat, so at the party, Elaine throws out what she thinks is Puddy’s coat, but is actually Joe’s. Kramer and Newman reverse the peepholes on their doors and convince Jerry that wallets are a thing of the past.

The building landlord, Silvio, threatens to evict Newman for his reverse peephole (thinking that he was behind the idea). Kramer intervenes with their landlord, unaware that Newman is having an affair with the super’s wife, Svetlana. As Elaine is reluctant to buy a new fur coat for Joe, George gets back problems from his ridiculously over-stuffed wallet, making him keep the massage-chair before giving it to Joe. Elaine suggests that Jerry carry a European carry-all (purse), while Newman finds the thrown-out fur coat in a tree. Elaine tries to ask for the coat back, but Newman has already given it to Svetlana (which Silvio discovers), so Jerry has to pretend it is his coat to keep their suspicious landlord from finding out.

Realizing that Joe Mayo does not like his taste in music (“I was getting jiggy with it!”), Jerry attempts to get the order for the chair canceled for revenge, forcing George to admit he has been using the chair lately. Kramer asks Jerry to put on the fur to make things look good for Silvio. Meanwhile, George’s wallet overflows, scattering everything that was inside. Later when Elaine tries to claim the coat, Kramer covers saying that Svetlana is having an affair with Joe Mayo. In the end, Silvio plots revenge against Joe by attacking him with a sock full of pennies (after the massage chair wears out, unaware of George constantly using it). Puddy, after seeing Jerry wear the fur coat (“He looked like a bit of a dandy.”), gets a new coat that is colorful and features an 8-Ball on the sleeves and back, making Elaine upset again.

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The Dealership

Jerry plans to buy a Saab 900 NG convertible with an insider deal from David Puddy, who has been promoted to a car salesman. George warns Jerry to watch out for deceptive car dealers.

Kramer takes the car Jerry is planning to buy for a test drive with another salesman. Elaine returns from a lunch with Puddy at Arby’s. Puddy offers Jerry a “high five”. Elaine brags about her new “salesman boyfriend” taking her out to lunch. Jerry asks where they went, and Puddy chimes in “Arby’s”. Kramer misses the turn to go back to the dealership; instead, he plans to give the car a full test of a Kramer daily routine.

Hungry, George seeks out something to eat and must settle for a vending machine Twix candy bar. Only he can’t get one from the machine with a crinkled dollar bill so he asks a mechanic (whom he knows has a crisp dollar) for assistance and is refused service. Finally, when he gets the correct change, the Twix bar fails to drop and merely hangs from its perch. With his errands run, Kramer’s next test is to take the car to the limits of its fuel tank. Irritated, George seeks assistance from a salesman. When they return to the machine, the Twix bar George had hanging and the one behind it are gone. George suspects the mechanic took them. Elaine and Puddy have a fight and break up. Jerry’s insider deal rapidly becomes less favourable, as Puddy starts ringing up a long list of miscellaneous charges for “extras”, and changes the color of the car to yellow because “I can’t give you black at that price.”

George confronts the mechanic, insisting that he got two Twix bars because he sees cookie crumbs on his face, and argues that “Twix is the only candy with the cookie crunch!” The mechanic claims it was a 5th Avenue bar and that the cookie crumbs were actually nougat crumbs. Jerry wants George to help him get a good deal; however, George is only interested in getting back at the mechanic and that he is terribly hungry. The car salesman riding with Kramer really gets into driving below empty. George tries to complain about the mechanic, but gets into a debate about candy bars. In an attempt to get a great deal on his car, Jerry tries to put Elaine and Puddy “in a relationship today”. George sets up a candy bar lineup, to implicate the mechanic, only to find his lineup being eaten by the dealership staff (including the mechanic), making him more frustrated and claiming “it was a set up” and screaming “Twix!”, parodying Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Elaine and Puddy get back together and Jerry is going to get his deal, until Puddy says “high five” to Jerry, one time too many. Kramer and the salesman, with the dealership in sight, decide instead to go for it in the manner of Thelma and Louise. The car however, soon rolls to a stop. Kramer exits the car after saying, “Well, I’ll think about it.”

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The Strike

George, Elaine and Jerry attend Dr. Tim Whatley’s Hanukkah party where each receive a card notifying him or her that a donation has been made by Whatley to the “Children’s Alliance” in the guest’s name. (Elaine is surprised Tim is still Jewish, but Jerry points out it’s a breeze to keep the faith when you don’t have Jewish parents.) Jerry meets an attractive woman with whom he plans a date. Elaine meets a man in a bad denim vest (Kevin McDonald) and gives him her fake number. George is offended by Whatley’s gift to him, a donation in his name to a charity. George is also reminded of the Festivus holiday his father created many years ago. Elaine’s quest to become a “Submarine Captain” at a local shop in order to get a free submarine sandwich and a captain’s hat is crushed when she realizes she used her punch card at the party to give her fake number to the denim vested guy. Kramer gets word he can return to his job at H&H Bagels; it seems he has been on strike for the past 12 years but, because the new minimum wage is the amount the workers demanded, the strike is over. Elaine goes to the place that her fake number reaches, an off-track betting parlor. She wanted to give them her real number, so when the denim vest guy calls, she can connect with him. But, the creepy men at the parlor are interested in connecting with her, so she gives the number for H&H where Kramer is working. Jerry meets his date, Gwen, at a party, but it turns out she is two-faced: sometimes she looks great but other times she’s plain, depending on the viewer’s angle and the lighting. George decides to use the Whatley approach when giving out Christmas gifts at Kruger Industrial Smoothing; however, he makes up his own charity called “The Human Fund”. Kramer is intrigued by the concept of the Festivus holiday and contacts Frank, who becomes excited at the prospect of rekindling “a Festivus for the rest of us.” Kramer asks to get the 23rd of December off work; when he can not get it, he resumes the strike. Meanwhile Elaine waits at H&H for a phone call from denim-vest guy.

The look of Jerry’s girlfriend keeps changing with different environments, so Jerry decides that Gwen looks best in the back booth at Monk’s, something she grows to dislike. George passes out his gifts at Kruger’s and reaps great rewards. Kramer warns Elaine about the sabotage he committed, causing a steam pipe to burst the bagel shop then fills with steam, making Elaine’s make-up and eyeliner run and her hair wet. George’s boss, Mr. Kruger, gives George a check for $20,000 to “The Human Fund” but later the accounting department informs him the charity doesn’t exist. Gwen learns from Kramer that Jerry is seeing another woman; Kramer saw her on the street and she looked so different that Kramer thought she was someone else. Gwen thinks Jerry is two-timing her with an “ugly woman”. George tries to convince Kruger that he passed out the fake gift cards because he didn’t want to be ridiculed for the holiday his family traditionally celebrates, Festivus. To prove it, George brings Kruger to his father’s Festivus dinner, where everyone comes together, including Gwen and the two guys at the off-track betting parlor. The episode ends with Frank announcing the “feats of strength” tradition, demanding that George must finish Festivus by pinning him to the floor.

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The Apology

Jerry begins dating Melissa (Kathleen McClellan), a woman who is comfortable being naked in his apartment in nonsexual contexts. She walks naked into the kitchen to eat waffles and is also naked while playing board games. While George is envious, Jerry soon grows uncomfortable with Melissa’s quirk. He finds her unattractive when she does anything naked that involves her muscles contracting. Eventually, Jerry tries casual nudity himself, but Melissa does not support male nudity (“bad naked”). Elaine later explains that the female body is art while the male body is just utility. Ultimately Jerry convinces Melissa to wear clothes more often, but regrets his decision when he can not stop thinking about how good she looks naked. Unfortunately Melissa can not stop thinking of how bad Jerry looks naked, and the relationship is ruined.

George learns that Jason Hanky (James Spader), a childhood friend of his nicknamed “Stanky Hanky”, is a recovering alcoholic and, as part of Step 9 of the Alcoholics Anonymous’s Twelve Steps, is apologizing for all his old misdeeds. George gets angry when he does not receive an apology from Jason for having insulted him at a party a few years earlier by refusing to give George a sweater for fear it would be stretched out by George’s “large” head. But Jason refuses to apologize, saying that the largeness of George’s large head is a fact, and that the sweater was expensive. This enrages George so much that he is brought by one of Jason’s sponsors to an anger management class.

Kramer decides he enjoys showers so much that he is going to spend most of his time in his shower, even going as far as to buy a waterproof phone, prepare a dinner there and install a garbage disposal in his bathtub drain.

Elaine’s co-worker Peggy (Megan Cole; also seen in the episode “The Susie”) is a germophobe who dislikes Elaine because she thinks she is promiscuous and therefore full of germs. Insulted, Elaine takes revenge on Peggy by going to her office and rubbing her stapler under her armpit, the keyboard on her rear end, and finally coughing on Peggy’s doorknob.

David Puddy reveals to Elaine that he too is a recovering germophobe. Later, Elaine makes up with Peggy by inviting her for over for a dinner cooked by Kramer. But when Kramer reveals that he prepared the dinner in the shower, they are all horrified and Peggy and Puddy have to go back to Germophobes Anonymous, with Elaine now joining them.

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The Betrayal

This episode presents a backwards narrative, beginning with the Castle Rock Entertainment logo in reverse (but has the music in forward) and goes from the final scene to the first scene.

Jerry and George are walking down the street and they run into Nina (Justine Miceli), an old girlfriend of Jerry’s whom he never slept with. Elaine receives an item in the mail from India. Elaine’s mail from India is an “unvitation” to Sue Ellen Mischke’s wedding in India to Pinter Ranawat, whose name seems familiar to Elaine.

George asks Jerry to call Nina about setting them up on a date and realizes he must wear his Timberlands every time he sees her. Jerry and Nina suffer an awkward pause in their conversation, causing them to have sex on Jerry’s counter. Elaine meets Pinter’s parents, Usha and Zubin Ranawat, who try to convince her not to go to India for the wedding; after all they aren’t even going. While at Jerry’s to talk about the incident, Elaine discovers that he and Nina have just slept together. Elaine buys tickets to India to spite Sue Ellen by showing up at her wedding. When Kramer refuses a ticket and George takes Nina instead, Jerry goes with Kramer to Newman’s. By offering schnapps to Elaine, George finds out the secret she is keeping about Jerry and Nina.

Elaine, Jerry, George and Nina arrive in India, where Elaine discovers that Pinter is a man whom she has slept with and that they are the only people from the United States who are attending the ceremony. Jerry “schnapps” Elaine to find out why George is so bitter about him. George finds out that Jerry slept with Nina and that Elaine had slept with the groom. Sue Ellen calls her wedding off when she finds out, and Nina hates George and isn’t interested in Jerry. Jerry, George, and Elaine return from their disastrous trip to India that they don’t want to talk about to Kramer. It was revealed that two years ago, Elaine indeed dated Pinter (whom Elaine calls “Peter”) and Jerry tells George and Susan that Nina might be the one. He is very impressed when she mentions something he’s never heard of, called “e-mail”.

Meanwhile, Kramer attends FDR (Franklin Delano Romanowski)’s birthday and FDR gives him the evil eye right before blowing out the candles on his cake. Kramer confronts FDR about his birthday wish, which is for him to “drop dead”. Kramer tries to get Newman to use his birthday wish to protect Kramer from dropping dead. When he found out Newman didn’t use his birthday wish to save Kramer from FDR, Kramer scolds at him, while Jerry sits by him, explaining he only came “because of George”. Kramer tries to out-wish FDR by a shooting star, throwing coins in the fountain, pulling out eyelashes, and even pulling the wishbone. In the end, Kramer and FDR settle their scores with a snowball. It is revealed that Kramer nailed FDR in the back of the head with a snowball two years ago. At the end of the show, A flashback, taking place eleven years ago, shows how Jerry met Kramer (whom Jerry calls Kessler, the name on the buzzer) and tells him the phrase “What’s mine is yours”, giving reason to why Kramer will frequently go uninvited into Jerry’s apartment later on.

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The Slicer

George applies for an interview with Kruger Industrial Smoothing and gets the job, but notices in Kruger’s office a picture of Kruger and his family at the beach with a not-so-bald George in the background.

Later George tells Kramer and Jerry at Monk’s Cafe about the “boombox incident” that occurred in the summer of 1989: George was at the beach and a family set down next to him. After returning from swimming in the surf, George found all his things gone. After screaming at the kids, he became so angry he threw their boombox into the ocean. Moments later, he found his things in the water and realized that the tide, not the kids, had taken them out. The father (Kruger) demanded George pay for the boombox, so George evaded it by giving him a fake address.

Now, George is worried that he may get fired once Kruger recognizes him from the picture. Kramer suggests sneaking the picture out and getting George’s image airbrushed out. George takes to the idea and leaves. Meanwhile, Kramer is annoyed at the “misshaped, shoddy meats” in the sandwiches he eats, stating that he “hasn’t had a decent sandwich in 13 years.” He solves his problem by getting a meat slicer.

Elaine can’t sleep because her neighbor forgot to turn off the alarm clock before leaving for Paris. Kramer tells her that the same thing happened to his friend Lomez, so he (Lomez) blew his neighbor’s circuit. He and Elaine then set off to do just that. Meanwhile, Jerry begins dating a doctor, Sara Sidarides (Marcia Cross).

The next day, George goes to pick up the picture, but finds out Kruger was airbrushed out instead of him (due to Kruger’s baldness, the clerk mistook him for George, since George in the picture still had hair. He also points this out to George, annoying him further). Elaine realizes her neighbor’s cat now can’t eat because shutting off the power also shut off its automatic feeder. Jerry tells Elaine his date with Dr. Sidarides didn’t go well because she kept making him feel like “if I don’t save lives, I’m worthless.” Elaine then reveals that Sidarides is a dermatologist and Jerry gets annoyed at this, not considering a dermatologist to be a “life-saver.” George convinces him to go on a “revenge date” to tell her off.

Elaine and Kramer go back to Elaine’s apartment with the meat slicer and feed the cat under the door. Elaine borrows Kramer’s slicer, but uses it for slicing other things, including an uneven pair of heels. She eventually gets a piece of her heel stuck in it. Jerry’s revenge date doesn’t go well when a former patient of Sidarides’ comes up and thanks her for saving his life. The reason: he had skin cancer. George goes back to the Foto Hut, and finds himself airbrushed out, and only a drawing of Kruger back in. He then realizes he has to get a photo of his boss without his shirt on (as he was in the picture) to put back in.

When Elaine drops by to pick up pliers to remove the heel from Kramer’s slicer, she drops a helpful tip about how Sidarides goes by offices screening people for skin cancer (that’s how they met). George then realizes all he has to do is set up a screening at Kruger’s and he can get his picture (after Jerry apologizes to Sidarides). Kramer goes to Elaine’s to pick up his slicer. She manages to get the heel out just in time, but dings up the blade in the process. When trying to get back into Elaine’s apartment, he accidentally pulls off her doorknob, trapping her inside.

Jerry starts getting an allergic reaction. Kramer thinks Sidarides gave it to him when he went down to apologize to her. He decides to go down to Kruger’s – where Sidarides is doing the cancer screening – and ask her. Kramer comes along to pick up his blade. Jerry insults Sidarides and causes her to leave. As Kruger comes in for his screening, Kruger mistakes Kramer for the doctor, due to the white butcher’s coat he is wearing, making him look like a doctor. Kramer then checked Kruger for moles (“the freckle’s ugly cousin,” as Kramer puts it). He takes a picture of Kruger for George, but finds a mole on Kruger’s right shoulder.

George gets the picture fixed and Kramer starts getting into dermatology. While flipping through one of Kramer’s medical books, Jerry finds a section on his condition and figures out that his hives came from an allergic reaction to Benzene, commonly used as a metal cleaner. Kramer had been using Jerry’s hand towel with metal cleaner to clean his slicer blade, and gave him hives. George returns to work and suggests Kruger go see another dermatologist about his mole, but finds Kruger isn’t worried about it. Because the mole is visible in the picture (which he thinks was taken in 1989), he thinks it hasn’t grown. Kruger then reveals to George about that day when he and his kids took this “pear-shaped loser[s]” clothes and threw it all in the ocean. George gets mad and informs him that the pear-shaped loser was him to which Kruger replies, “Well I’ll be, you’ve lost a lot of hair.”

At the end of the episode, Kramer, George and Jerry camp outside Elaine’s apartment, feeding her under the door until the locksmith arrives to fix the doorknob Kramer had broken earlier. Jerry sees another dermatologist and George ends up not getting fired anyway because Kruger “didn’t care.”

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The Merv Griffin Show

Kramer discovers the set of the old Merv Griffin Show in a dumpster. George’s girlfriend, Miranda, is disgusted when George runs over some pigeons with his car. George believes that pigeons and humans “have a deal” (pigeons are to move out of the way when humans approach, and humans will overlook the pigeons’ statue defecation), and that the pigeons have broken the deal. Jerry is fascinated with his girlfriend’s old toy collection that she won’t let him near. Elaine’s new co-worker is a real “sidler” (Brent Hinkley): he moves silently behind people. He causes Elaine to spill coffee that creates a stain that looks like Fidel Castro.

Kramer takes the discarded set pieces and recreates The Merv Griffin Show set in his apartment. He pretends that the show is still on the air and acts as the new host, even using the show’s theme when guests come onto the set, conducting interviews of everyone who enters his apartment. Kramer even stops interviews and cuts to a “commercial break” where he sips on a Diet Coke and eats from a bag of chips, before exclaiming “We’re back!” Elaine schemes to out-sidle the sidler who might be sidling her out of a job. While George swerves to avoid a pigeon, he hits a squirrel. Jerry schemes for an opportunity to play with his girlfriend’s toys. Kramer adds Newman as a co-host for his show to help relieve the pressure of being a host. On his show Jerry says he has finally found a way to play with the toys, by drugging his girlfriend. Kramer is shocked and says, “Wait a minute! You mean to say that you drugged a woman so you could take advantage of her toys?!”

Miranda insists that George pay for the special surgery required to fix the squirrel. Elaine gives Tic Tacs to the sidler to make him noisy; unfortunately, the sound annoys J. Peterman, which reminds him of an old Haitian torture. Jerry and George treat Jerry’s girlfriend to a dinner of turkey and wine, followed by a slow movie; they hope that the wine and the tryptophan in the turkey will cause her to fall asleep, and she soon dozes off. Once she is asleep, Jerry and George happily play with the toys. Later, Elaine joins in to play with an Easy-Bake Oven.

Kramer is concerned about his “ratings” and decides to change the format of the show to “Scandals and Animals”. On the “show” (still without cameras) Kramer gets Jerry to admit that he has been drugging his girlfriend. Kramer then brings out the angry girlfriend (who was “backstage”); she breaks up with Jerry as Kramer and Newman do their best to whip up the non-existent audience.

For the Animals segment of the show, Kramer invites animal expert Jim Fowler, who arrives with a hawk and asks Kramer, “Where are the cameras?” George brings the squirrel over to the set to get Jim Fowler’s opinion, and the hawk goes after it. The Merv Griffin set is destroyed in the process, and afterwards Kramer admits, “It was a grind having to fill ten hours a day.” The episode ends with Elaine and the Sidler knocking out Jerry’s ex-girlfriend to play with her toys once more.

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The Junk Mail

Jerry’s childhood friend “Fragile” Frankie Merman (Dana Gould) promises to get Jerry a new car as a thank you for a show he did for Frankie’s car dealership. George prepares for his weekly call to his parents. Kramer plans his revenge on Pottery Barn because of the overabundance of catalogs they’ve sent him in the past month. Elaine is back with David Puddy, but after having a “love at first sight” encounter with diner patron Jack (Toby Huss), she plans to keep Puddy in reserve until she finds out if the new guy can “handle the workload”.

Kramer gets deluged with more catalogs and plans to stop the mail. George’s parents cut him short on his weekly phone call. The “car” Jerry gets is a conversion van and not the Saab he’d hoped for. Frankie reminds him of the childhood dream they had where they got a van and toured the country. Jerry doesn’t want the van, but doesn’t want to hurt Frankie’s feelings by refusing to take it. George pops in on his parents and reminds his parents that they didn’t call him back, but they have to leave right away. Kramer bricks up his mailbox, but that doesn’t stop his mail from being delivered to Jerry’s mailbox.

Jerry plans to sell the van; Kramer helps him out by composing a classified ad that cites “interesting trades considered.” Kramer goes to the post office to cancel his mail permanently. Newman confesses to him that no one really needs mail but that there is a greater conspiracy at work.

George demands to know what’s going on with his parents; they tell him they are cutting him loose. George isn’t ready for abandonment; he plans to date his cousin Rhisa as a means of getting his parents involved in his life. While going through an old VHS tape, Jerry discovers an old commercial that features Jack as “The Wiz,” a mascot for the electronics store of the same name. Meanwhile, Kramer wants Jerry’s van and offers Anthony Quinn’s old T-shirt as an “interesting trade”.

Elaine wants Puddy back but is rejected by him. Kramer uses the van to launch his anti-postal campaign. George’s cousin is into their relationship; however, George schemes to have his parents catch him making out with her. Jerry searches Central Park for Frankie, who has gone to dig a hole and sit in it. Meanwhile, George parks the van there and Frankie finds it and yells “Seinfeld’s Van! Seinfeld’s Van!”, which George thinks is “Son of Sam”. The Costanzas find the van and begin having sex in it. George, Rhisa, Jerry, and Frankie open the van and see them “in flagrante delicto”. Jerry must sell the van after seeing what they saw.

Kramer is captured and enlightened by the Postmaster General (Wilford Brimley, with the scene a parody of his role in the climactic scene of Absence of Malice). As he leaves he sees Newman being led into the room who says to Kramer, “Tell the world my story.” Elaine’s new boyfriend gets his second piece of good news in one day: he’s “The Wiz” again and she is taking him back.

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The Blood

Jerry’s parents are concerned about his lack of exercise and thus Jerry, realizing he is out of shape, starts a purification program to improve his diet. Jerry’s parents eventually buy him sessions with an elderly personal trainer, Izzy Mandelbaum, who’s going to help him work out. Elaine visits her friend Vivian (Kellie Waymire) and is disappointed when Vivian implies that Elaine is not responsible enough to watch her son Jimmy. Meanwhile, George decides he needs to add food as a part of his sex life when his girlfriend lights some vanilla-scented incense, whose overpowering scent makes him hungry. His girlfriend only tolerates some food items, and is disgusted when George attempts to kiss her while eating a sandwich; George then contrives a way to separate pudding skin from the pudding, creating pudding skin singles and arrives at the decision to add television to his equation so as to make food and sex even better (“the Trifecta”). However, George’s girlfriend becomes displeased upon discovering him eating a pastrami sandwich while watching a portable TV during foreplay. This later creates problems for George, as he cannot eat anything without becoming aroused.

Kramer has been storing his blood at a blood bank whose rates increase and, retaliating, he decides to store the blood himself. Vivian then decides that Kramer would be a good choice for a baby-sitter; however, Elaine intercepts him en-route and proves her responsibility. Jerry sustains a hobby knife wound which causes him to require a blood transfusion; ultimately, he receives three pints of Kramer’s blood. Jerry becomes upset, saying that he can feel Kramer’s blood borrowing stuff from his blood. He becomes even more distraught when Kramer deems him a blood brother (and later takes even greater advantage of him by reminding him of their new tie). Jimmy is a very bratty kid and Elaine comes to hate her new responsibility, so she tries to make herself appear irresponsible; to avoid being responsible she uses George as a “pinch weasel.” However, George decides that he has found the woman of his dreams due to her sensual appreciation of pastrami. Kramer borrows Jerry’s air-conditioned car to return his blood to the bank. The car overheats because the radiator is dry, but not for long, as he fills it with blood. Jerry’s final workout with Izzy results in another blood transfusion; however, the blood is not Kramer’s, but Newman’s.

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The Serenity Now

Frank Costanza is advised to say “serenity now” aloud every time his blood pressure is in danger of going up, but he yells it instead. Jerry’s girlfriend (Lori Loughlin) gives his Knicks tickets away. She comments that she has never seen him get “real mad.” George gets Kramer to help him fix his parents’ screen door. They remove the old door and Kramer takes it with him. Frank is selling personal computers in his garage, he wants to bring George into his business. Mr. Lippman’s son takes advantage of “becoming a man” at his bar mitzvah to tongue-kiss Elaine.

Kramer installs the screen door outside his apartment to give his apartment “the cool evening breezes of Anytown, USA,” and turns his hallway into a small town front porch, complete with barbecue grill, lawn chairs, potted plants, and American flag. Kramer sits on his porch with the “fireworks” (a sparkler). George’s first impulse is to quit but he decides it is finally time to take on his arch-rival, Lloyd Braun, whom Frank has also hired to sell computers. When Jerry learns how to get mad, it releases all his other feelings, including caring and another that results in his proposing to Elaine.

Kramer fights with the neighborhood kids of “Anytown, USA.” George tells Elaine she is attractive to the Lippman men because of her “shiks-appeal.” The result gets the two Lippman men to want to renounce Judaism in order to be with her. George hatches a scheme to sell more computers: to buy them himself and return them later for a refund; however, continual use of the phrase “serenity now” has an adverse effect on his sales. Jerry asks Elaine to marry him. George stores computers in Kramer’s apartment. Kramer has a nervous breakdown and destroys the computers. George becomes very upset over this, and Jerry encourages George to release his emotions. However, the release of emotions from George has an adverse effect on Jerry, and he reverts back to normal. Elaine seeks help from the rabbi to see if she can reduce her “shiks-appeal”; instead of giving her advice, the rabbi comes on to her. George’s father blames him for nearly bankrupting his company, and it is then revealed that Lloyd Braun was insane the entire time; his phone was never plugged in, and hence he never made any sales. He blames his psychiatric problems on Frank’s mantra (“Serenity now, insanity later”). Elaine returns to Jerry and accepts his marriage proposal, but since Jerry is no longer as emotional as before, he doesn’t want to go through with it anymore. George then tells his father to say “hoochie mama” instead of “serenity now”, which his father follows when Estelle is about to park her car in the garage.

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