The Voice

George’s employer wants to get rid of him, since they now know he isn’t really handicapped and as a result, they don’t like him. He has a one-year contract with Play Now, which he will exploit by meeting only the most basic requirement of showing up for work every day.

Jerry and George imagine a scenario in which the stomach of Claire (Jerry’s girlfriend) makes sounds during the night, chiefly by saying “Helloooo” in a loud, booming voice. Jerry envisions the belly button as the mouth and the sound the stomach makes as its “voice”. Because of the “bump-into,” Jerry tells Elaine that she is destined to backslide into her relationship with David Puddy. She bets him $50 that she won’t. The next day Jerry discovers that Elaine didn’t go home last night. He accuses her of seeing Puddy. She says the sex they had was an isolated incident. Jerry agrees, but since the dinner they also had was more of a commitment, he demands that she pay up.

Kramer is tired of seeing all his ideas implemented before he has a chance to implement them himself. He contends that all the little day to day incidental things keep getting in his way and prevent him from realizing his ideas. He gets an intern from New York University, Darin, to help him out with “Kramerica Industries”, the corporation he had previously set up to develop some of his ideas. With this help, he’ll be freed from those day to day activities and be able to develop his ideas (such as the oil tanker bladder).

Meanwhile, George is fighting the siege mentality that he is encountering at work and Elaine just can’t get Puddy off her mind. No matter what the obstacle, George endeavors to occupy his office. Jerry tells Claire about the voice and she leaves him. The university takes Kramer’s intern away from him, pointing out that Kramerica Industries consists of only “a solitary man with a messy apartment which may or may not contain a chicken”. Kramer replies, “and with Darin’s help, we’ll get that chicken.” Claire says to Jerry that they can get back together if only he won’t do “the voice” ever again, but he later decides that he prefers “the voice”. To Jerry’s great disappointment, however, everyone is tired of “the voice”. Elaine pays up and they decide on a double or nothing bet. The intern comes back on his own because he believes in Kramerica.

Play Now tries to negotiate with George, but he won’t give in. Later, he offers his office and one of their rubber balls to allow Kramer to test his oil tanker bladder idea. The big test takes place at George’s workplace where Jerry plans to meet Claire. They quickly notice and try to warn her about the falling rubber ball of oil, but all she hears is “the voice” from Jerry and won’t listen; when she finally looks up, it’s too late.

The lawsuit that is filed by Claire puts Play Now out of business and George out of his contract. Kramer somehow manages to shift the blame to Darin, whom he claims will be “going away for a long, long time…” The incident makes “the voice” popular among the gang again, and Elaine realizes she wants to be with Puddy, although he wants to break up.

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The Butter Shave

Over the summer both George and Jerry grow mustaches as a way of “taking a vacation from themselves”; they both admit it was a bad idea and Jerry suggests they should have taken real vacations. George quickly thinks a different style of facial hair might be the answer but Jerry tells George that he has to get a job. Not fully recovered from “The Summer of George”, George is using a cane to get around. Jerry might have another shot at NBC, through an appearance on an NBC Showcase that might lead to another pilot. He is also annoyed that lame comic Kenny Bania’s act is working, only because he is following on Jerry’s coattails. Jerry refers to Bania as “a time-slot hit” (a reference to the success of many shows that aired between Seinfeld and ER). Bania also gets one of Jerry’s ex-girlfriends.

George learns of a job interview with a playground equipment company. George is hired for the job at Play Now because they think he is handicapped due to his use of the cane. George takes full advantage of the situation after they offer him his own fully equipped handicap bathroom. While returning home from a month-long vacation in Europe, Elaine and Puddy break up, then getting back together on their long flight home, only to break up again.

Kramer finds butter is better than shaving cream. Kramer’s skin feels so good with butter he takes to spreading it all over his body. Unfortunately, he falls asleep as he lies out in the sun where he begins to cook. Newman, reading the cannibalism-themed story Alive, finds the smell of a buttered Kramer appealing. In his disturbed state, Newman sees Kramer’s head on a turkey in Monk’s, panics, and runs out. George sprains his good leg and begins favoring the other leg, and Play Now buys him a motorized cart as a result.

Jerry is informed that Bania is going to follow him on the NBC showcase. Jerry then plans to sabotage his own act, surmising that Kenny’s act will also bomb. George manages to keep up his handicap bluff until he gets into some trouble with old-timers after hitting their motorized carts (four volts), a very slow chase ensues. George’s cart begins to die on him so he jumps off and picks up the cart and runs away from the mob only to run into his boss from Play Now. George, now concerned about what will happen to his job, is caught by the mob and one older gentleman hits George with his cane (“Eat hickory!”). After Jerry sabotages his act, Newman meets Kramer backstage. After Kramer accidentally has oregano and Parmesan cheese spilled on him, Newman then attempts to eat him. As Kramer fights off Newman, the two run onto the stage during Bania’s act. After Bania’s act, two NBC executives offer him a pilot on NBC, thinking Kramer and Newman running onto the stage was part of the act.

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The Summer of George

George discovers he has a severance package from the New York Yankees that should last him about 3 months, so he decides that he is going to take full advantage of three months off and become very active. Jerry and Kramer are going to the Tony Awards, Jerry as an invited guest, Kramer as a seat filler. Elaine mocks Sam (Molly Shannon), a co-worker who walks without moving her arms (as if “she’s carrying invisible suitcases”, as Elaine puts it).

Jerry picks up his date to the Tonys, a waitress named Linette (Amanda Peet), only to find out that she lives with a man (a “dude”) with whom her relationship is unclear, much to Jerry’s dismay. While filling a seat for a nominee who has stepped away, Kramer is accidentally whisked to the stage by excited Tony winners moving through his row. As a result, he receives a Tony Award for the musical Scarsdale Surprise in which Raquel Welch is the star.

Meanwhile, instead of living a very active lifestyle as he had hoped, George becomes incredibly lazy. He never changes out of his pajamas, and feels too weak to even come to Jerry’s apartment, asking Jerry, Elaine, and Kramer to instead visit him.

Elaine’s co-worker Sam catches Elaine mocking her and in a rage proceeds to trash Elaine’s office and leave her threatening phone messages, leading the men in Elaine’s life to excitedly say that she is now involved in a “catfight”.

Kramer uses his Tony as a ticket into Sardi’s, where the producers of Scarsdale Surprise have a proposition for him – he can only keep his Tony award if he fires Raquel Welch, who like Sam, also doesn’t swing her arms when she moves; the reason the producers ask Kramer to fire Welch is because they are terrified of her (“I heard from someone that when they cut one of her lines, she climbed up the rope on side of the stage and started dropping lights on peoples heads.” as Kramer quotes). Kramer does fire her and she responds by attacking him and destroying his Tony award as well. While walking down the street afterwards, Raquel sees Elaine describing Sam’s walk to the police. Thinking that Elaine is mocking her, Raquel attacks her, too.

Meanwhile, Linette begins to wear Jerry out with her busy lifestyle, and George suggests that perhaps they team up, with George acting as Jerry’s dating assistant. When Linette needs invitations to a party, George picks them up, but as he returns to his apartment, he is practicing “frolf” (frisbee golf) and an invitation falls out of the box and lands on the stairs. When George leaves again to deliver the invitations, he slips on the stairs and is sent to the hospital.

The final scene pays homage to the ending of Season 7’s “The Invitations”. In the wake of George’s accident, the gang meet up at the hospital where the same doctor who informed them of Susan’s death informs them that George may never walk again. The others respond with the same callous reaction as they did the year before. The end credits show George learning to walk again through physiotherapy, along with Sam, who is being taught how to swing her arms.

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The Muffin Tops

While George and Jerry are walking down the street, a stranger asks George to watch a bag of luggage for a minute. When the stranger doesn’t return, George starts wearing some of the clothes from the bag, using the rationale that “I’m still watching them.” While he walks down the street in the tourist’s clothes, looking at a map, a woman who works for the New York Visitor’s Center (Rena Sofer) mistakes George for a tourist and introduces herself as Mary Anne. George pretends that he is visiting from Little Rock, Arkansas, where he works as a hen supervisor for the Tyler Chicken company.

They go to Monk’s Café, where George continues to lie to Mary Anne about himself. George finds her attractive, and she is interested in him, but she doesn’t want to get involved, believing he will be leaving soon. To prolong the relationship, he tells her he’s thinking of ‘moving’ to New York; she replies that the city would eat him alive. George is insulted by this and sets out to prove he can get by in New York by showing her his ‘new’ apartment and his office where he works for the New York Yankees. Then Steinbrenner enters George’s office and Mary Anne tells him of George’s alleged job with Tyler Chicken.

Steinbrenner is impressed that George is moonlighting, and he phones the CEO of Tyler Chicken to announce that he does not want to share George. They haggle, and Mr. Tyler says, “How about this. You give me Costanza, I convert your concessions to all chicken, no charge. Instead of hot dogs, chicken dogs. Instead of pretzels, chicken twists. Instead of beer, alcoholic chicken.”

Eventually, the tourist returns for his clothes and is upset that George is wearing them; he takes his clothes off George, leaving him in his briefs and thereby ending his relationship with Mary Anne.

Jerry notices his chest hair is uneven and tries to straighten it out, but ends up shaving it all off. He worries what his girlfriend Alex (Melinda Clarke) will think, until he discovers she is fond of hairless dogs. He continues to shave his chest, despite Kramer’s warning about hair growth.

While eating a muffin, Elaine mentions to Mr. Lippman, her former boss, that she only eats the tops, and that a store selling just the tops would be a million dollar idea. Lippman decides to start a business, called Top of the Muffin to You!, based on Elaine’s idea. Elaine is outraged that he stole her idea. When the business starts to fail, Lippman asks Elaine for advice and bribes her with 30% of the profits. She tells him that he must make the whole muffin and then pop the top from the stump[3]; she also demands that he remove the exclamation point from his sign. (“It’s not top of the muffin TO YOU!” Elaine says. Lippman replies, “No, no, it is.”) This gives the business a boost, but leaves them with the problem of disposing of the muffin stumps. They initially give the stumps to the homeless shelter, but after complaints about the missing muffin tops, they have to get rid of them somewhere else. Elaine eventually hires a “cleaner” (Newman, in a Pulp Fiction spoof) to make the muffin stump problem go away until the store gets private garbage removal.

Kramer learns from Elaine that the stories he had sold to J. Peterman in a previous episode were put into Peterman’s biography. Kramer goes to the book signing, claiming he is the “real” Peterman. He then starts conducting “The Peterman Reality Tour” on a school bus for $37.50 a piece. Kramer asks Jerry and his girlfriend to take the tour and, while Elaine enters, she asks Kramer to get rid of the muffin stumps on his tour in return. Jerry’s chest begins itching from hair growth, as Kramer searches for a dump that will take the stumps. Jerry’s itching makes him run into the forest to scratch his chest; when the moon comes out he howls like the Wolf Man.

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The Millennium

After being recruited by the New York Mets to be their head scout, George is told that they can only hire him if he gets fired from the New York Yankees. However, his increasingly dramatic attempts to get fired only end up making him look better. He wears Babe Ruth’s uniform and deliberately gets food stains all over it, but Mr. Steinbrenner praises him, thinking it supports an “out with the old, in with the new” mentality. George then appears to streak through Yankee Stadium during a game, but he is actually wearing a flesh-colored body suit that makes him popular with the fans. Finally, he tries to destroy a World Series Trophy by hitching it to his Buick Regal and driving through the parking lot while screaming insults to the ball club with a megaphone. This finally brings the ire of Steinbrenner, before Mr. Wilhelm appears, takes credit for telling George what to do, gets fired, and then takes the job with the Mets.

Elaine tries to run an ethnic-themed clothing store called Putumayo out of business after receiving bad customer service. First, she tries shopping at a competing store, Cinco de Mayo, but discovers that the same woman from Putumayo owns both stores. Later, she tries to get Kramer, under an alter ego named H. E. Pennypacker, to change the price tags on the labels, but he accidentally destroys the pricing gun before he can finish. Instead, he tries to take the desiccant packs from the clothing as Plan B, so he only manages to ruin the clothes in about five years, making Elaine more distressed and presumably gives up. Kramer then eats some free chips the store gives out to its customers and unknowingly drops one of the desiccant packs in the salsa dip.

Meanwhile, Jerry gets caught in a war over speed dial rankings between his girlfriend, Valerie (Lauren Graham), and her stepmother. Eventually, the stepmother hides Jerry’s number in one of her emergency speed dials. Later, she is poisoned by eating desiccant from Putumayo’s clothing that Kramer spilled into a bowl of salsa at the store. When Valerie tries calling poison control she ends up calling him instead, to which Jerry replies, “Wow! Poison control? That’s even higher than number one!” Valerie is disgusted at this and hangs up on Jerry, thereby ending their relationship.

Finally, Kramer and Newman learn that they are each planning rival millennium parties, both on December 31, 1999 (Newman’s party is called the “Newmannium”). Eventually, they agree to combine them into one party on the insistence of Newman that they not invite Jerry. However, Newman allows Jerry to come in exchange for Elaine’s presence, after she had committed to Kramer’s party. In the end, Jerry tells Newman that he made his reservation one year late, as he booked it for “the Millennium new year”, 2001, since there was no year 0. Newman squawks with frustration and leaves.

The Yada Yada

Jerry’s dentist, Dr. Tim Whatley, has just finished the process of converting to Judaism, but is already making Jewish-themed jokes that make Jerry uncomfortable. Jerry goes so far as to say that he believes that Whatley only became Jewish “for the jokes”.

Kramer and Mickey Abbott double date, but cannot decide which woman is right for which one of them.

Elaine is a character reference for Beth (Debra Messing) and Arnie, a couple who are trying to adopt, but the story she tells during an interview destroys all hope of adoption: she mentions a time when she and the couple went to a movie, and the husband lost his temper because Elaine was talking during the movie. George drops by Jerry’s dental appointment; Mickey and Kramer continue to fight over who gets Karen or Julie.

George and Marcy are at Monk’s. George tells Marcy about having been engaged to Susan Ross, but says “yada yada yada” to avoid having to mention her death. Immediately after he tells her this, she tells him that her ex-boyfriend had visited her the night before and “yada yada yada, I’m really tired today.” George later consults Jerry and Elaine, suspecting that Marcy used “yada yada” to cover up sex with her ex-boyfriend, and Elaine believes that this is possible. Later, George asks Marcy to tell him some of the things she was covering up with “yada yada,” and discovers that she is a habitual shoplifter. She then asks him about how his engagement ended.

Jerry confesses to a priest about what he thinks of Tim’s conversion, saying that he is offended (not as a Jew, but as a comedian), only to get sidetracked when the priest laughs at a Catholic joke of Tim’s that he repeats. However, the priest is less amused by a dentist joke that Jerry makes at the end of their conversation. George drops by Jerry’s confession and tells him that they need to talk. Kramer decides on the right woman, and Mickey also decides to make his commitment. Tim hears about the dentist joke that Jerry told the priest. He takes extreme exception to it and, as a result, deliberately prolongs an uncomfortable procedure. After hearing Jerry’s complaints about Tim, Kramer calls Jerry an “anti-dentite.”

Elaine lobbies on behalf of Beth and Arnie, and propositions the adoption official as an inducement. Beth’s marriage nonetheless fails and she accompanies Jerry to Mickey’s wedding to Julie. Elaine, now dating the adoption agent, is dismayed. George shows up without Marcy, who was just arrested and imprisoned for shoplifting: when Jerry asks George where she is, he replies, “She was getting shoes for the wedding, yada yada yada, I’ll see her in six to eight months.” Karen runs out before the wedding begins, apparently in love with Mickey and unable to bear seeing him marry Julie. Mickey’s father (Robert Wagner), a dentist, stands up for Tim Whatley and chastises Jerry for antagonizing him: “Tim Whatley was one of my students, and if this wasn’t my son’s wedding day, I’d knock your teeth out, you anti-dentite bastard.” Jerry is initially comforted by Beth who is at first shown to harbor the same feelings towards dentists as Jerry, until she also reveals herself to be both racist and antisemitic, at which point Jerry dumps her and tells Elaine that she left “to get her head shaved.” As Julie and Mickey walk out at the end of the ceremony, Julie says to Kramer, “I really wanted you.” much to his surprise.

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The Nap

George is tired and needs to take a nap while at work; he finds the perfect place, under his desk. Kramer has taken up swimming, but he finds the pool too constricting for his needs; he begins swimming in the East River. Elaine’s date is worried about his back and hers; he sends her a mattress and she gets the wrong idea. She gives the mattress to Kramer. Jerry is getting new kitchen cabinets, but the contractor (Stephen Lee) is constantly asking him questions. George gets Jerry’s contractor to make some modifications for his desk, including space for an alarm clock. Steinbrenner is in George’s office looking for him to ask him what the lyrics are to “Heartbreaker” by Pat Benatar; he decides to wait for George to return. George gets Jerry to phone in a bomb threat in an effort to get Steinbrenner out of his office. After finding George under the desk, Steinbrenner thinks he has ESP and would be perfect to meet the terrorist’s demand of a fitted hat day.

Meanwhile, Jerry’s contractor, left on his own, has made a change in Jerry’s kitchen that no one likes. Elaine gets her mattress back when she gets the right idea; however, Kramer has fouled it up with the stench of the East River. Elaine’s boyfriend discovers the benefits of swimming in the East River, and invites his fellow patients to join in. Steinbrenner hears a ticking sound in George’s office, thinks it’s a bomb, calls in the bomb squad, and replaces George’s desk with a table. Jerry decides he needs his old kitchen back. Elaine throws her back out trying to get rid of the mattress, and goes to the East River as well. George finds a new place to nap: in Jerry’s cupboards, which were rebuilt into their normal condition for $4,000.

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The English Patient

A beautiful woman, Danielle (Chelsea Noble), mistakes George for her boyfriend Neil, a man who she claims looks just like him. This intrigues George; he wants to meet Neil. Jerry is going to Florida to help his parents move. Kramer asks him to pick up some “Cubans” for him and gives him a pale blue T-shirt that says “#1 Dad.”

Elaine and her boyfriend see The English Patient; she hates it, and her boyfriend breaks up with her as a result. Morty finds the “#1 Dad” T-shirt and is very flattered by the “gesture” (going as far as saying that it is the nicest thing Jerry has ever done for him, much to Jerry’s dismay, since he has bought him a Cadillac twice) and proudly wears his new shirt despite its small size. At his parents’ exercise room, Jerry meets Izzy Mandelbaum (Lloyd Bridges), an 80-year-old man who cannot stand to lose. Izzy promptly challenges Jerry to a weightlifting competition (“It’s go time!”), but throws his back out again and again. Kramer’s Cubans arrive, but they are people, not cigars. George is obsessed with Neil to the point where he is missing out on Danielle. Jerry is back in New York, where Izzy Mandelbaum has returned to see a back specialist. It turns out that Kramer’s Cubans are really Dominicans that are trying to pass off as Cuban cigar rollers; it fails spectacularly.

Elaine’s dislike for The English Patient alienates her from everyone. Not wishing to upset J. Peterman, she claims to have never seen the film. Her plan backfires, however, when he immediately takes steps to correct the situation by dropping everything and taking Elaine to see it. Jerry meets the rest of the Mandelbaums, all of whom are fiercely competitive and old. Izzy’s son and father also injure their backs. Jerry finds work for Kramer’s “Cubans” at Izzy’s “Magic Pan” restaurant, rolling crêpes. Elaine is eventually forced to reveal her dislike of the movie to Peterman, and in turn, is punished with a trip to Tunisia (the filming location of The English Patient), where she must live in a cave to save her job.

The “Cubans” roll the crêpes too tightly, causing the filling to spray out and burn customers. Kramer fears that his unemployed Dominicans, whom he educated about communism, are planning to revolt. George finally meets Neil in a hospital, after Neil was burned by a crêpe; Danielle chooses Neil over George, but George gets the last laugh by pulling out his intravenous cord. Elaine’s plane to Tunisia is about to play the movie Sack Lunch, but is hijacked by the angry Dominicans, who are all wearing pale blue “#1 Dad” T-shirts. They demand the movie be turned off, much to Elaine’s chagrin.

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The Pothole

Jerry accidentally knocks his girlfriend Jenna’s toothbrush into the toilet, and she uses it before he can tell her. George shows off the new key ring that George Steinbrenner has given everyone in the Yankee organization, celebrating Phil Rizzuto’s induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Kramer complains about the failing highway infrastructure after running over an abandoned sewing machine, so he adopts a one-mile piece of the Arthur Burkhardt Expressway through the Adopt a Highway program. Elaine tries to order a new Chinese dish, Supreme Flounder, but she lives across the street from the boundary of the Chinese restaurant’s delivery area. George loses his new key chain. Jerry plans to secretly sterilize his girlfriend’s mouth, but despite his attempts, he just can’t get past the vision of the toothbrush in the toilet. George theorizes that he may have lost his keys when he did a broad jump over a pothole that has now been paved over. Kramer works diligently to keep his part of the road clean, not trusting the work to the city’s maintenance crew. Elaine schemes to get her Chinese food by moving into a janitor’s closet, located in the building across the street. The building’s superintendent believes her to actually be the janitor and pesters her about the maintenance that needs to be done. Jenna finds out about the toothbrush and sticks something of Jerry’s in his toilet, refusing to tell him what it is.

Kramer repaints the four-lane highway to two extra-wide lanes, intending to make it more luxurious (a “two lane comfort cruise”, as he puts it), but his efforts only result in mass confusion and congestion on behalf of the drivers. George, unwilling to pay the city maintenance crew, dons construction gear and takes a jackhammer to the pothole in order to reclaim his key chain. Elaine has the gang over for dinner in the janitor closet. Jerry throws out nearly everything he owns, suspecting that anything could have gone in the toilet; he finally learns that the mystery item was nothing more than his toilet brush. George accidentally strikes a water main while digging up the road, causing an eruption that sends water bursting out of Jenna’s toilet, soaking her. Elaine, still acting as the janitor in order to allay any suspicion, brings the building’s garbage to the dump in Jerry’s car, swerving all over Kramer’s luxurious two-lane highway and unknowingly dropping an old Singer sewing machine on the road. Kramer attempts to return the highway to its original state, but spills paint thinner all over the pavement. Newman drives by in his mail truck, delivering crates of fish for the Chinese restaurant’s Supreme Flounder orders. His truck catches Elaine’s sewing machine and drags it along the highway, sending up sparks that ignite Kramer’s paint thinner and causing his truck to go up in flames as a panicking Newman shouts, “Oh, the humanity!” Kramer having witnessed the accident is desperate to evade the law, attempts to give a now torched and stranded Newman a ride, but he is stuck wandering off in a daze, so Kramer is forced to flee without him.

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The Susie

Mike, the guy who once referred to Jerry as “a phony” (“The Parking Space”), has become a bookie. Kramer, who has a gambling problem, wants Jerry to place bets with Mike on his behalf. Elaine’s co-worker Peggy (Megan Cole) thinks that Elaine is a different woman named “Susie”. George is excited about Steinbrenner’s ball because he wants to be able to show off his tall, beautiful girlfriend Allison (Shannon Kenny) by making a “grand entrance” in a backless dress.

George’s plans to take Allison to the ball are put in jeopardy when he finds out that she is planning to break up with him beforehand. He therefore goes to great lengths to avoid her, saying, “If she can’t find me, she can’t break up with me.”

Kramer begins to live out his gambling addiction through Jerry, by placing bets in Jerry’s name. But when Jerry wins, Mike the bookie can’t pay up. When Jerry accidentally closes his car trunk door on Mike’s thumbs, Mike becomes afraid of him. Later, Mike tries to make it up to Jerry by fixing his trunk but gets trapped inside.

Meanwhile, Peggy starts talking to “Susie” (actually Elaine) about Elaine, making derogatory comments about her. Elaine becomes angry, partly because of the comments, but also, bizarrely, because Peggy addresses her as “Suz” rather than Susie. When Peterman overhears he wants to resolve the conflict and demands a meeting between Peggy, Elaine and “Susie”. Elaine becomes so tired of pretending to be the fake Susie, that while driving in the car one night, Jerry tells her that she should “eliminate her”. Mike (trapped in the trunk) overhears this, and believing Susie to be a real person, becomes even more terrified of Jerry, thinking that he is a killer, especially when Jerry and Elaine both start to laugh sinisterly (though they are really just laughing at a funny bumper sticker).

Elaine tells Peterman that Susie committed suicide and a bereaved Peterman organizes a memorial service for her. Elaine delivers the eulogy at the wake, but becomes confused when Peterman announces that he had slept with “Susie”. Peggy is even more confused to see Elaine, thinking she was Susie. When she tells Jerry, “I guess I never met Susie,” he claims to have slept with both Elaine and Susie. The service comes to an abrupt end when Mike bursts in and accuses Jerry of murdering Susie, but Jerry seems unconcerned, merely commenting to Peggy, “Not only that, I broke his thumbs.”

Finally, when Allison cannot find George to break up with him, she uses Kramer as a go-between and Kramer breaks up with George on her behalf. Kramer shows up at the Ball in Allison’s place and after a scuffle in the lobby, George tears off the back of Kramer’s tuxedo and he is thrown into the main hall, making a “grand entrance” of his own.

Elaine is glad to be rid of Susie, but Peterman tells her he is establishing a foundation in Susie’s honor and expects Elaine to devote all of her non-working hours to running it. In a Wrath of Khan-inspired pan-out sequence that is also used several times by George, Elaine looks up and screams out “SUZ!”

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