The Note

Jerry, George and Elaine get a note from Jerry’s dentist allowing them to get free massage therapy through their health insurance. While being massaged, Jerry makes an off color remark about a boy that was kidnapped in Pennsylvania. The therapist is freaked out by Jerry’s remarks, which later causes problems between her an Jerry. George receives a male massage therapist. He tries to get out of the massage, but doesn’t want to appear homophobic, and ends up getting the massage. Afterward, he tells Jerry “I think it moved”. Through the rest of the episode, George questions his own sexual orientation.

Later in the episode, we learn that Jerry’s dentist, Roy is being investigated for insurance fraud because of the doctor’s notes he has been writing for friends. Jerry is worried what will happen, not wanting to cause the dentist trouble, and asks what he can do to help. Roy tells him it won’t be a problem as long as he can get the therapist to go along with the story. Later, Jerry tries to approach the therapist at her office about the situation. The therapist is with her young son and fears that Jerry will try to kidnap him because of his earlier comments. She refuses to talk with Jerry, and she and her son flee the scene.