The Pie

Jerry is miffed after his girlfriend Audrey (Suzanne Snyder) refuses to take a bite of his pie. Kramer has seen in an upmarket clothing store a mannequin that looks just like Elaine. Also he has developed a terrible itch in his back, and uses Jerry’s spatula to scratch. Elaine and George visit the store; Elaine wants to find out who made the mannequin but George is more interested in an expensive suit that will shortly be on sale at half price.

Jerry is still obsessed with the pie incident. Kramer finds relief at the hands of Olive (Sunday Theodore), his new girlfriend from Monk’s with long fingernails. George, who is “guarding” the suit, soon becomes embroiled in a battle of wits with another customer who is also interested in the garment. George attempts to hide the suit so the other customer will not find it on the sale day. He is also distracted by the sight of the “Elaine” mannequin naked.

Jerry and Audrey go to eat at Poppie’s, her father’s restaurant. Jerry excuses himself to the restroom where he is shocked that Poppie doesn’t wash his hands after coming out of the stall. This causes Jerry to reject a slice of pizza in the same way that Audrey rejected the pie.

Elaine and Jerry visit the clothing store and find the “Elaine” mannequin posed in a spanking tableau with another mannequin. Elaine is so furious that she steals the mannequin.

Jerry goes to Poppie’s restaurant to talk to Audrey. A hygiene standards officer comes and arrests Poppie. On the day of the sale George outwits his rival and buys the suit, but his rival swears revenge.

Before going to the job interview, George becomes concerned that he might be rejected because the suit makes a “swoosh” when he moves. (“Let’s say it comes down to me and one other guy. He’s got a nice quiet suit, and I’m whooshing all over the place! Who do you think he’s gonna hire?”)

George’s prospective employer takes him to dinner. He does not reject George because the suit is noisy, but insists that George eats dessert with him. But George has seen that the chef is his rival for the suit. Fearing that the chef will have tampered with the food, George rejects it in the same way that Audrey rejected the pie, and Jerry the pizza. George does not get the job, but avoids becoming violently ill like the others.

Kramer’s itch has healed and he plans to break up with Olive. He tells her that the mannequin (now in Jerry’s car) is his new girlfriend. Kramer goes out to the car and pretends to make out with the mannequin, which falls apart in his hands.

Apparently, the “Elaine” mannequin is a big success and has appeared in other stores in New York. It turns out that it is made by the geek she met on the subway in the episode “The Cigar Store Indian.” Jerry never finds out why Audrey refused to eat the apple pie.

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