The Revenge

George has been banned from the executive bathroom at his office. Infuriated, he goes into his boss’s office (Rick Levitan), tells him off, and quits. He immediately regrets his actions, not knowing what he will do next. He and Jerry discuss possible job opportunities, but aren’t able to come with anything that suits George. Jerry tells George to go to work and pretend the whole thing was a joke. George does so, but in a meeting, George’s boss brutally insults and fires him. As revenge, George wants to slip his former boss a mickey, and enlists Elaine’s help.

Kramer catches Jerry on his way out the door to the laundromat, and asks if he would mind taking some of his clothes. Jerry hates taking Kramer’s clothes for fear that their underwear might mingle in the wash, but Kramer talks him into it. When Jerry drops the clothes off at the laundromat, he asks the guy to keep Kramer’s clothes separate, and in fact it wouldn’t hurt if he used an entirely different machine on the other side of the shop. When they get their laundry back, Jerry remembers that he had $1500 hidden in his laundry bag, but it’s not there now. Jerry and Kramer assume the guy at the laundromat took it, and Jerry confronts him about it. The guy says he didn’t see the money, but that he is not responsible for lost or stolen valuables pointing to a sign hanging in the shop.

George and Elaine attend an office party to follow through with their revenge plan. George gets into position near his former boss, as Elaine tries to distract him. At first she isn’t able to get his attention, but the makes mention that she just loves being naked, cooking naked, cleaning naked, naked, naked, naked. Rick loves hearing this, and is completely engrossed in his conversation with Elaine. George makes his move and drops the mickey in his drink. Rick then notices George, and being in a good mood, apologies for what he said to George, telling him he’s welcome to have his job back. Rick picks up his drink and offers a toast to George. George tries to stop him from drinking, but then Rick adds some backhanded compliments to his toast, so George tells him “drink up”.

Jerry and Kramer plot their revenge on the laundromat owner. Jerry visits the shop, distracting the owner with questions about detergent and fabric softener, while Kramer fills one of the machines with a bag of concrete mix.

Later, George and Jerry are seen discussing job opportunities for George again, implying that George has once again lost his job, this time because of the mickey. Kramer comes into the apartment, holding an envelop. It’s Jerry’s money, which had been placed in Kramer’s bag at the laundromat. Jerry says this is why he doesn’t like doing Kramer’s laundry. He asks what they estimated the damage to the machine would cost, and Kramer comments around $1500. Jerry leaves for the laundromat, money in hand.